Freitag, 11. April 2008

Migration, Partizipation und Ausgrenzung


The 8th International Conference of the Institute for Regional and Migration Research (IRM)
is going to be held on

3th and 4th July 2008 in Trier (Germany)

and on 5th July 2008 in Dudelange (GD of Luxembourg)

Contributions and discussions will focus on "Migration, Participation, and Exclusion"/"Migration, Partizipation und Ausgrenzung".

Presentations are given by researchers and outstandig scholars from many European countries, amongst others: Prof. Dr. Ursula Apitzsch (University of Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Nira Yuval-Davis (UK), Prof. Dr. Marianne Krüger-Potratz (University of Münster), Prof. Dr. Sinan Özbek (Turkey), Prof. Dr. Athanasios Marvakis (Greece).

Main topics are: Belonging, (Trans-) nationality, Education, and Democracy.

The full programme and the necessary information for registration is available under:
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