Freitag, 13. August 2010

Fremdenfeindlichkeit in Luxemburg

Marie Valentova, Guayarmina Berzosa: Attitudes toward immigrants in Luxembourg - Do contacts matter? CEPS/INSTEAD Working Papers n°2010-20, 2010.

According to the latest official statistics, the number of immigrants in
Luxembourg is approaching half the population. This demographic change raises questions concerning social inclusion, social cohesion, and intergroup conflicts. The present paper contributes to this discussion by analyzing attitudes toward immigrants and their determinants. Controlling for key socio-demographic and economic individual characteristics, we focus specifically on examining how the intensity of core contacts between nationals and inhabitants with migratory background affects attitudes toward immigrants among three groups of Luxembourg residents: natives, first-generation immigrants, and second-generation immigrants.

The European Values Study data of 2008 was used in the paper. The results indicate that attitudes toward immigrants depend significantly on the origins of the residents of Luxembourg. Nationals adopt the most negative stance toward immigrants; they are followed by second generation and first-generation immigrants. Attitudes of second-generation immigrants are closer to those of the native population than to those of first-generation immigrants, which confirms the assimilation hypotheses. Core contacts appear to play the most important role in the case of first-generation immigrants. The more connected the first-generation migrant to the native population, the more negative his/her opinion of immigrants.

Die Fremdenfreundlichkeit bzw. -feindlichkeit der Bevölkerung Luxemburgs hängt stark davon ab, inwieweit die befragten Personen selbst bzw. deren Familienangehörige von der Einwanderung betroffen sind bzw. persönliche Erfahrungen auf diesem Hintergrund haben.

Außerdem spielen das schulische Ausbildungsniveau sowie die soziale Schichtzugehörigkeit eine wichtige Rolle. Wer der Unterschicht angehört, nimmt Fremde eher als Konkurrenten um ökonomische und soziale Chancen wahr.

Claude Molinaro: Kontakte ändern die Einstellung. Tageblatt, 13. August 2010.

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